The Kenyan government has extended the ban on exporting raw, in-shell macadamia nuts, effective March 1st, coinciding with the start of the harvest season.

Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe, in a statement released on February 27th, cited the Agricultural Food Authority (AFA) Act, the Oil Crops (Nuts and Crops) Regulations of 2020, and other national and international obligations as the legal basis for the ban.

“The government’s policy stance is well-meaning and informed by a commitment to ensuring that the industry adheres to the law,” said Kagwe.

He emphasised the government’s commitment to legal compliance within the industry.

Kagwe urged macadamia farmers to register with the Kenya Integrated Agricultural Management Information System (KIAMIS) to enhance sector planning and access to government services.

AFA in collaboration with county governments, will facilitate farmer group formation through e-extension services, subsidized fertilizer distribution, and market information sharing.

A Macadamia Nuts Standing Committee will enforce policy, improve traceability, and address industry non-compliance.

To strengthen enforcement, the AFA will mandate registration and licensing of marketing agencies, collaborate with county governments and the National Police Service to combat smuggling, implement mandatory customs inspections, and enforce a zero-tolerance policy on substandard nuts re-entering the market.

The government will also introduce standardized quality assessment using X-ray scanners and provide training on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), including pest control and maturity assessment.



Experience working on communication and marketing departments and in the broadcast industry. Interested in sustainable development and international relations issues.

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