Grant Thornton Kenya, a leading professional services firm, has merged with Devani-Devani & Company, a…
CFAO Mobility Kenya, the Toyota dealer, has acquired Michelin’s 49% stake in Tyre Distribution Africa…
Tech News
TikTok has announced strategic partnerships with Aleph Holdings and Wowzi to enhance its operations and support the growth of the Kenyan creator economy. Aleph Holdings…
Cervical cancer remains a significant health challenge in Kenya, with 10 women dying from the disease every day. Experts emphasise that this burden can be significantly reduced through early diagnosis, screening, and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for girls aged 10-14. Kenya ranks among the top 20 countries globally with the…
We all must admit that owning a fleet of cars can be challenging. Imagine not trusting anyone else but you to keep tabs on your…