Leading Fast Moving Consumer Goods Manufacturer, Bidco Africa has entered the baby care market with Gental Care Pant Diapers.

This move capitalizes on a growing consumer preference for pant diapers over traditional tape diapers, which currently dominate the market (80% share).

Bidco’s market research revealed a critical gap: a lack of readily available information for mothers regarding diaper care. Notably, a common misconception about removing pant diapers highlighted the need for educational initiatives.

In response, Bidco is positioning Gental Care as a premium-quality pant diaper offered at an accessible price point. They plan to establish a local manufacturing facility in Kenya, employing over 50% women. This commitment to local production leverages their market research and aims to create jobs.

Beyond Products: Building a Community

Bidco’s ambitions extend beyond product innovation. They envision a community-based approach to promoting maternal and child well-being. This includes addressing crucial topics like vaccination protocols, motherhood essentials, and proper diaper care practices.

Bidco Africa’s Vision 2030 plan is to become the Number One African FMCG Conglomerate with a presence in Eastern, Central and South Africa, North Africa and West Africa. Currently, their products serve over 17 African nations.

African Skincare Brand Uncover Secures $1.4M

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IK, a Masinde Muliro University grad, tackles social justice through journalism. He analyses news and writes on women's rights, politics, technology, law, and global affairs.

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