Absa Bank Kenya has partnered with Old Mutual Group to offer a comprehensive insurance solution, Linda Biz, specifically designed for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs).

This bundled insurance package provides SMEs with affordable access to extensive protection for business assets, risk mitigation, employee health coverage, and seamless business continuity.

Linda Biz covers losses due to fire, political violence, riots, floods, business interruption, burglary, theft, and employee dishonesty. It also offers employee health coverage with various options, including inpatient care.

Additionally, Linda Biz includes life insurance that pays a lump sum in case of death, disability, or critical illness.

Both Absa Bank CEO Abdi Mohamed and Old Mutual CEO Arthur Oginga emphasized the importance of supporting SMEs, a critical sector contributing 30% to Kenya’s GDP.

“This strategic partnership is anchored on our mutual goal to introduce customized and bespoke insurance solutions that directly address the unique requirements of our SME customers,” said Mohamed.

Linda Biz aims to address key challenges faced by SMEs by simplifying their access to insurance solutions and promoting business resilience.

EIB Boosts Kenyan MSMEs: Empowering Growth After Pandemic

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Experience working on communication and marketing departments and in the broadcast industry. Interested in sustainable development and international relations issues.

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