Financial trading is by no means a new thing, there are lots of different bits of advice that are easily accessible about the best ways to trade in anything you could want to trade in.

If you want to trade in stocks, commodities, forex, or crypto, there’s plenty of advice for trading in all of it. But some of that advice might not have weathered the changing markets and times as well as it could have, and might not be so useful anymore.

That’s why this article will focus on more evergreen techniques and practices that will almost always stand any trader who commits to them in good stead. One of the most important in our eyes is the selection of a top-tier broker, so there will be an entire section later detailing how and why you can go about this.

What are the best practices for trading online?

In no particular order, here are what we consider to be the most important things to master when you are trading online:

Never stop learning

There is a lot to learn when you start trading, but that process should never stop. Understanding the basics of how everything works is great, but as technology is released and different tools and options become available you will need to learn and re-learn those basics. For example, the way to use RSI (Relative Strength Index) indicators is an important thing to understand, but might not have been something you could have learned when you started trading.

Trade from the right place

We consider this one to be so important that we gave it its section later, pick the right broker. We’ll go into proper detail for this later, but a good broker will make a world of difference for your trading.

Have a plan

Just slinging money with no thought as to where it will end up is not a recipe for success. A clever trader will have a plan, will mark out goals and will set limits on themself. By doing these things you are setting yourself up for success and are trading with your brain.

Go wide

This is an old piece of advice, and it will always be good. Diversify your portfolio. Having different types of investments in different places will make you more robust if any one part of your investment portfolio collapses or underperforms. So go wide with your investments.

Manage your risk

What we mean by managing your risk, is to use techniques that will limit the amount you lose if things go badly. Stop-loss orders and limiting the percentage amount of your capital that you use on single trades are both good examples of managing your risk.

Stay calm

It can be a lot when there is lots of money on the line, but getting heated up or excited about things will just fog your mind. Stay calm and stick to your plans, this will protect you from making impulsive, emotionally motivated decisions.

Why you should choose a reputable broker

As we mentioned a few times earlier, picking a good broker will set you up for success when trading online. Here, in no particular order, are the things that a top-tier broker will provide for you:

Fancy technology

The best brokers will provide traders who use their platforms with all sorts of bells and whistles to help them make more successful trades. This can include technical indicators like an RSI indicator, advanced charting tools and the like.

Help when you need it

The bottom line for a good broker is that they want you to succeed almost as much as you do, which means that should you need help, they’ll be there. We don’t mean they’ll bail you out, but rather they’ll have easily accessible and reliable customer support on hand should something go wrong with their platform or if you have other technical issues or questions.

Top-notch security

Any time you’re dealing with money online, top-notch security is a no-brainer. Reputable brokers will have the best in digital encryption and are likely to use all sorts of other modern digital security techniques.

Confidence in their compliance

There are regulations set on trading activities for some reasons and one of the big ones is to protect traders. This is why if you can see clear indications that a broker is compliant with a variety of regulatory bodies (namely the ones in whichever region you are trading in) then you can be confident that they are reputable and safe to trade with.

Tools to improve

Good brokers don’t just want you to succeed, they want you to improve and succeed even more in future. By offering you the option to use educational tools and resources to get better at trading, you can tell that a broker wants to help you succeed. We mentioned earlier how important learning is, a broker that helps facilitate that for you is as good as gold.

Good prices

You can’t avoid having to pay the piper, but you should avoid paying the piper an exorbitant or confusing amount. Having clear-cut fee structures and up-front information about how much you will need to pay for using their service are both great signs you are looking at a reputable broker.


There are no guarantees in life, but the practices we mentioned above are as good as you’ll get to ensure you do due diligence to succeed when trading stocks or anything else online. Keeping the things we listed in mind when looking at which broker to use will also stand you in good stead to pick a great broker who will look after you and help you succeed. Always remember that the best brokers want to see you succeed and should provide tools to help you do so.


Khusoko provides market insights into Africa's business investment as well as global trends that impact East African businesses.

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