With a population of 48 million, Kenya has 22 million registered voters, according to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC). 

Eligible voters must simultaneously vote for a president, senator, member of parliament, woman representative, county governor and county assembly member.                                                         

Political campaigns are entering the homestretch. Actors in the political space seeking leadership from the Presidency to the Ward representative are concretely championing if they are to receive the region’s votes.

There is no denying that digital platforms are now awash with fake news and misinformation, nearing the crescendo as the 9th of August, D-day beckons.

During a heated political season in Kenya such as this one, the internet, especially social media, play a significant role, with the political landscape changing rapidly regarding strategies to woo supporters.

Currently, the most common social media platforms are Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and WhatsApp. Few are using LinkedIn, and many others use bloggers to craft content that either elevate them or taints their opponents.

Every politician in Kenya, from a Member of County Assembly (MCA) to a Member of Parliament, to a Woman Representative, to a Senator, to a Governor, to a Presidential candidate, has an army of the so-called “keyboard warriors” or some call themselves the “KOT Battalion.”

Keyboard warriors affiliated with politicians are a group of individuals whose business is to spew hate on their perceived candidate’s opponent than show love for their candidate! 

They are armed with the world’s most potent smear campaign arsenal, the juiciest propaganda, and fake news about opponents!

A day does not pass without falsified information flying across online platforms in Kenya about a politician, their families, or a specific community. 

Most of these keyboard warriors have perfected the use of hashtags or keywords. It happens on both Facebook and Twitter. 

Every politician or their supporters has or is engaged in different WhatsApp groups, which are now considered the most versatile in spreading information to targeted groups, including dangerous and malicious information, compared to either Facebook or Twitter.

One of the most used forms of fake and malicious information online is the manipulation of images. It is becoming increasingly difficult for one to tell a photoshopped image from the real one.

Given that these elections are “high-stake“, the spread of fabricated images is only set to be more intense with the likelihood of causing tension across the country.

Politicians or their agents have also taken advantage of the vulnerability of Kenyans to spread false information online to issue inflammatory statements that are then picked and amplified across social media. This has to stop if we love this country. Inflammatory comments are about to take this country back.

Kenya Election 2022: We Are Not Shutting Down the Internet 

The Communications Authority of Kenya (CA), the regulatory agency for the ICT industry in Kenya, has been calling on Kenyans to be vigilant and restrain from abusing online platforms.

The Authority says that Kenyans need to verify every piece of information before passing it to the next person, be it online or offline. According to the Authority, despite the Constitution giving one the freedom of expression, it has to be done so that it does not harm others. 

The cardinal rule is that your liberty ends where the other’s liberty starts!

Everyone should know five ways to remain safe online during this election period: Be your own gatekeeper. 

  • Verify every piece of information. Do not take everything you see on social media as the gospel truth.
  • Do not spread false information. Do not accept being used as an avenue to spread falsehoods.
  • Do not share your passwords. Sharing your passwords means anyone might access your social media accounts and use them to spread false information.
  • Do not share more than enough. The online space is a free and lethal world, and nobody cares what you share. Share only what you want people to know.
  • Think about yourself. If you care about yourself, you will not put yourself on the line for people who only care about their desires.

Do not let the anonymity of online platforms make you feel immune. Be responsible! 

Age of Fake News: Journalists and Content Creators Need to Protect Media Freedoms


Khusoko provides market insights into Africa's business investment as well as global trends that impact East African businesses.

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