Kenya will receive its first batch of coronavirus vaccines within the first week of March, the Government said on Thursday.

The first group to be vaccinated will include health care workers and frontline workers among them security personnel and teachers, vulnerable persons and those in working in the hospitality industry.

“Cabinet ratified the distribution framework for the vaccines; with first priority being given to Health Care Workers, Frontline Workers including Security Personnel and Teachers, vulnerable persons and groups and Hospitality Sector Workers,” the presidency said.

The government plans to vaccinate 16 million people by end of the year to suppress the virus with vaccines from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Johnson and Johnson.

The COVID-19 vaccine will be administered free of charge in all public health facilities. 

The Ministry of Health, in a statement issued on Thursday, announced 277 new cases had been recorded from a sample size of 4,599 tested pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases to 105,057.  119 patients were reported to have recovered from the disease bringing the total recoveries to 86,497.


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