Tatu City, a mixed-use satellite city development, launched a luxurious lakeside-living project dubbed ‘Kofinaf Tatu Residences’. The development sits on…
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Property market news, advice on moving house, lettings and new homes and retail market
While 61 % of Kenyans own their homes, only 3% of rural areas: of those homeowners bought houses. In comparison, 93 % of homeowners built their own houses, and 3% inherited them, according to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics.
Kenya’s retail sector has continued to witness rapid expansion activities by various retailers owing to their efforts to compete for market dominance.
Kapu plans to open up access to its services across Nairobi by March 2023.
Inflation remains significantly high in the economy, hitting 9.6% in October 2022, primarily driven by prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages.
Carrefour opened its first outlet in Kenya in 2016.