Young people in agriculture, small-scale, medium scale and large-scale farmers also benefit from financial and digital literacy training, enhancing their money and business management skills and wealth creation.
Read the latest stories about Agriculture on Khusoko
Kenya has lifted the ban on Genetically Modified Crops, saying open cultivation and importation of White (GMO) Maize is now…
Kenya earned Sh25.2 billion ($210 million) from exporting coffee in the 11 months to August 2022 compared to Sh15.5 billion…
The Technical Assistance Accelerator Program (TAAP) is supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
In Kenya, social entrepreneurship has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years. T
Coffee earnings in the month of July jumped 55 per cent to record Ksh 22.4 billion compared to KSh14.4) billion…