Coffee earnings in the month of July jumped 55 per cent to record Ksh 22.4 billion compared to KSh14.4) billion in the same period in 2021.
According to Nairobi Coffee Exchange (NCE) this was due to improved volumes at the auction. Clean coffee traded at the auction went up by 42.74 per cent from 21,757 to 31,012 metric tonnes, respectively, during the review period.
During the period, the number of clean bags of coffee sold increased from 353,413 bags to 504,455 bags for the period
between July 2021 to July 2022, respectively.
Premium grades AA, AB, C and PB recorded the highest prices during last week’s coffee auction. Maximum average
price of Grade AA during Sale 33 dropped to $337 (KSh40,305.20) compared to KSh42816.80 on August 2, 2022.