There is a raging debate on Pope Francis’s recent statement about gay people. Some postulate that the Pope endorsed homosexuality in his recent announcement and therefore, the practice should be accepted as the “new normal.”
I honestly do not believe that Pope Francis meant to endorse same-sex marriage, but if he did, then he’s grossly wrong and his advice should be ignored.
I believe his statement was in the context of “gay human rights” but not the practice of homosexuality. There’s a difference between human rights and homosexuality as a concept.
A leader of the stature of the Pope cannot endorse what’s clearly against the order of nature and God’s plan for family and procreation. If he did, he should be condemned and his statement taken with a pinch of salt.
Homosexuality is outright illegal in Kenya and even from a common-sense point of view, wrong. While we cannot deny the existence of homosexuals, we must never promote the behaviour as a way of life.
We can talk about homosexuality in the context of human rights, but not as normal behavior. Those who practice homosexuality can do so in the countries where it is legal or like in the case of Kenya, in private.
Here in Kenya, we believe that family is the basic unit of society and that the union between two people of the opposite sex is what leads to procreation, the miracle and gift of children, and population growth.
Nations that are likely to grow economically and culturally build their foundation around moral values and population growth. This is the reason China with its gigantic economy prides itself on its population. It’s a game of numbers. Those who argue that homosexuality is good would be nowhere to promote their nonsense if their parents were gay.
While no one should promote harassment of gay people or violation of their human rights, the practice remains illegal in Kenya.
That’s why at KFCB we ban films or content that glamorizes, glorifies or normalizes homosexuality.
We do not hate gay people, but the practice is wrong and against our culture and values. Our children must never be misled to think that two people of the same gender can marry and make a family. TV programs or movies, including cartoons that try to undermine or distort the institution of family, have no place in Kenya.
There can be no sustainable development without population growth and there can be no population growth without people giving birth to children who grow up, marry, and get their own children.
It’s that simple. Any other doctrine is heresy and perversion of men. Period!