Khusoko Social Media Policy

Version 4:  January 2024




Khusoko, East Africa’s leading multimedia business platform, delivers timely, reliable, and insightful analysis of market trends and investment opportunities across Africa.

Recognizing the power of social media for engagement and information dissemination, Khusoko utilizes these platforms to connect with readers and clients.

This policy outlines the principles and guidelines governing Khusoko’s social media engagement, ensuring professional conduct, and upholding our commitment to accurate, objective, and non-partisan reporting.

Core Purpose

  • We leverage social media as a crucial tool to:
    • Rapidly share verified, factual, and unbiased analysis of market insights and global trends impacting East African business.
    • Spark constructive dialogues: foster meaningful audience engagement by providing a platform for informed discussion and diverse perspectives.
    • Strengthen brand visibility: expand our reach and influence on financial matters within the social media landscape.

News Content

  • Verification: A rigorous verification process underpins all information shared on Khusoko’s social media platforms. This includes cross-referencing sources, seeking expert opinions, and fact-checking before publication.
  • Timeliness and Accuracy: We strive to deliver timely updates while prioritizing accuracy. If verification delays publication, audiences will be informed about the ongoing fact-checking process.
  • Corrections and Clarifications: We promptly address and correct any inaccuracies, ensuring transparency and accountability. Mistakes will not be compounded due to hasty corrections.

Audience and Engagement

  • Community Building: Fostering a diverse and engaged community is key. We aim to not only inform but also encourage insightful interactions and respectful dialogue among our audience.
  • Social Media Guidelines: Clear guidelines for user behaviour will be established and communicated, promoting a positive and safe online environment.

Staff Conduct

  • Ethical Journalism: Social media engagement must adhere to the same ethical principles that guide Khusoko’s overall reporting. Staff will remain objective and impartial and avoid conflicts of interest.
  • Training and Resources: Regular training programs on responsible social media use and ethical journalism will be provided to equip staff with the necessary knowledge and skills.
  • Personal Profiles: Transparency is crucial. Staff must disclose their affiliation with Khusoko when engaging in relevant discussions on personal accounts.
  • Political Neutrality: To maintain Khusoko’s non-partisan image, staff should avoid overt expressions of personal political stances on social media platforms. Alternative avenues for individual political engagement will be explored.

Confidentiality and Data Privacy

  • Protecting Data: We are committed to safeguarding user data and adhere to all relevant data privacy regulations.
  • Professional Boundaries: Staff are reminded to maintain professional boundaries and avoid discussing sensitive information on social media.


This social media policy serves as a cornerstone for responsible and ethical engagement on online platforms. Khusoko is committed to regular review and updates to ensure the policy remains relevant and reflects evolving trends in the digital landscape.

All staff involved in social media communication must adhere to these guidelines, and violations will be addressed accordingly.

This revised policy incorporates the proposed insights and strengthens Khusoko’s commitment to journalistic integrity and responsible social media usage.

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